Welcome to Walker Community!
Located in the Bradshaw Mountains, south of Prescott, AZ, Walker Community is an old mining district, filled with history. It’s named after Joseph Walker, mountain man, explorer, and guide. He led a party to this valley to discover gold in the summer of 1863.
Today, the valley is filled with rustic cabins and elegant homes. There’s a vibrant community of people here, with an active social calendar. Some live here full-time, while others have second homes here.
Everyone loves it here. The community is great, with pancake breakfasts and other social events.
WCAA Chili Fest
Greetings! It is almost CHILI FEST time! This will be the BEST FEST and it will be loads of fun – a true Western Hoe Down. So, the details: · WHEN: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 · TIME: 5PM · WHERE: Fire Station · COST: $8 This is a POT LUCK! We need: · Fruit salads · Tossed salads · Cole slaw · […]
WCAA New Officers Elected
The following will serve as Officers for two years:
President – Loren Bykerk
Vice President – Carla Keegan
Secretary – Nancy Monthofer
Treasurer – Betsy BykerkThe current Directors are:
Jeff Morhous
Victoria Morhous
Carol Tocker
Verne Tocker
Last Pancake Breakfast for 2018
The Pancake Breakfasts have been fun and well attended! Thank you!!!
Come join in for the Last Pancake Breakfast for 2018, this Saturday, September 29, 2018 at the Fire Station from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.
There is no charge for the breakfast. It’s a free will offering and we get pocket change from 9 year olds, $100.00 bills and everything in between. It all counts to help provide the Firefighters with what they need to protect us.
Help us close out the year with a bang!!!
Everyone gets a ticket for a chance to win a prize. Every Kid gets […]
WFPA BINGO This Saturday
DON’T MISS IT this Saturday, September 15 , 2018 4:00 pm to +/- 7:00 pm at the Walker Fire Station.
We’ve had an abbreviated year having only had games in July and August. But, the participation and food have been outstanding.
The finger food pot-luck has been fantastic. Cheese cakes, Deviled Eggs, Small Sandwiches, Brownies, Veggies all kinds of stuff.
We split the take as prizes and have paid out over $400.00.
Last month a Sorority reunion showed up. They were a fun addition, one even won a game.
The group voted to add a game […]
Haunting Halloween Chili Fest
Haunting Halloween Chili Fest
Agenda for the 09/08/18 WFPA BOD Meeting
Agenda for the 09/08/18 BOD Meeting is now posted at:
Where: Walker Fire House
Date: This coming Saturday
Time: See agenda
PDF file can be downloaded here:
Word file can be downloaded here:
WCAA Annual Membership Meeting this Saturday
Email from WCAA:
Saturday, September 8th is the annual meeting. The meeting will begin at 5:00pm at the Full Swing Sports Center, 2555 N. Crownpointe Drive in Prescott Valley. Please plan on arriving a bit before,4:45, so we can start promptly at 5:00.
Okay, here’s what’s happening:
· Pot luck gathering. Please label your serving piece and your serving utensil.
o You must bring a serving utensil – there won’t be any extras
· Water, ice and glasses will be provided.
o […]
Annual Firefighter Appreciation Day
This Labor Day is the big gathering to show our support for our fire fighters.
Look at photos from last year’s Annual Firefighter Appreciation Day here.
Here’s the email from Johnny O.
Our Annual Firefighter Appreciation Day/pig roast is just around the corner! September 2nd from 4-6pm.
Here’s a great way to thank your hard working volunteer fire fighters while packing in a year supply of cholesterol. The WFPA will smoke the pig, simmer some beans, offer light refreshments and a few big cakes. The rest is up to you…pot luck style. Please bring one of grandma’s favorite recipes as a side […]
2018 Chip & Haul Is Back!
Walker FireWise sent out this email:
Free slash collection and removal for Walker area residents is scheduled:
When – September 3, thru October 10, 2018
Where – Walker Firehouse parking area
What – Natural forest vegetation only. No large stumps or root balls, You must empty all bags.
What else: Track your time, travel and expenses and report on time sheets available at the Chip & Haul location.
For more information about Chip & Haul, visit: Chip_Haul_FAQ.pdf
Walker Firewise
602-370-8020 cell
Lightening and Thunder
Lightening and Thunder comes to Walker.
We’ve had thunder storms almost every day for a week now.
Looks like we’ll be having them for the foreseeable future.
Here’s my attempt at capturing the experience.
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