
Welcome to Walker Community!

Located in the Bradshaw Mountains, south of Prescott, AZ, Walker Community is an old mining district, filled with history. It’s named after Joseph Walker, mountain man, explorer, and guide. He led a party to this valley to discover gold in the summer of 1863.

Today, the valley is filled with rustic cabins and elegant homes. There’s a vibrant community of people here, with an active social calendar. Some live here full-time, while others have second homes here.

Everyone loves it here. The community is great, with pancake breakfasts and other social events.

Internet is best by https://www.walkerwifi.com/. They are solid and dependable, with fast speeds and no data limits. Cell phone is best through “Call by WiFi” on your phone, through your personal router connected to Walker WiFi. Verizon does the best straight cell service, but it’s dicey. The higher you go, the better cell reception you get. TV is by satellite or streaming Internet. We have DirectTV. We are unincorporated, so the building department is through the county, not Prescott city. Water is from wells or hauled water. Wells can be private or shared by multiple parcels. There are a few companies that haul water, and a few more that drill and maintain wells. The higher the parcel, the better the view, and the farther you have to drill for water, and the more you pay for the well. Everything is on septic. Make sure you get a permit from the county, which will mandate set backs and other stuff. Trash collection is dumpsters at the fire station. You pay a yearly fee for the combination to the locks to dump your trash. http://walkertrashcollectionservice.com/ Mail delivery is at group mailboxes around the area. FedEx and UPS deliver to your door in most places out here. We personally have a PO Box in town for important stuff. That’s a personal preference. Here’s a list of people that provide services in Walker: https://www.walkercommunity.com/walker-information/ Here’s a list of all of the property for sale in Walker, houses and land, although you can filter that. https://www.walkercommunity.com/walker-real-estate-search/

Walker Webcams Provided by Walker Wifi Internet Service

Walker Community News

Agenda for the 12/8/18 BOD Meeting

Agenda for the 12/8/18 BOD Meeting is now posted at: https://walkerfire.org/wfpa-board-of-directors-meeting-agenda/ Where: Walker Fire House Date: This coming Saturday Time: See agenda PDF file can be downloaded here: https://walkerfire.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/AGENDA_12-08-18_WFPA_Board_Meeting.pdf Word file can be downloaded here: https://walkerfire.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/AGENDA_12-08-18_WFPA_Board_Meeting.docx
By |December 3rd, 2018|WFPA|

Walker Merchandise Makes Great Gifts – Merry Christmas!

From WFPA:


As you are “making your list and checking it twice” have you considered giving Walker Apparel or Walker misc items as gifts?

We offer t-shirts (long and short sleeve), hoodies and sweatshirts, coffee mugs, and don’t forget the stocking stuffers, we have Walker pens, keychain flashlights, luggage tags, and koozies to mention a few.

Check out our Walker merchandise link at https://walkerfire.org/merchandise/ for sample styles and colors (the web site includes prices).

You have 3 ways to obtain the merchandise:

1). If you are currently in Walker, you can meet Bill […]

By |December 2nd, 2018|WFPA|

Bow Hunting Season – Jan 1 Through Jan. 31

Deer bow hunting season in the Walker area is from Jan. 1 to Jan. 31.

No hunting on private property. No hunting within a 1/4 mile of a residence.


To report a Game or Fish violation call 1 (800) 352-0700 – Operation Game Thief

Then call: YCSO – Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office – 928-771-3260

According to the map on page 74 of this year’s hunting regulations book, Walker is in area 20A.

The same book calls out the dates for our area on page 39, where it says that hunter are subject to note 42.

Note 42 defines a large area, that Walker […]

By |November 14th, 2018|Walker Community|

Agenda for the 11/10/18 WFPA BOD Meeting

Agenda for the 11/10/18 BOD Meeting is now posted at:

Where: Walker Fire House
Date: This coming Saturday Time:

See agenda
PDF file can be downloaded here:

Word file can be downloaded here:

By |November 4th, 2018|WFPA|

Hunting Season 2018 – Oct. 26 to Nov.4th

Deer hunting season in the Walker area this year is from Oct. 26 to Nov.4th.

According to the map on page 74 of this year’s hunting regulations book, Walker is in area 20A.

The same book calls out the dates for our area on page 35, where it says that hunter are subject to note 31 and 42.

Note 31 one says no hunting on private property. Note 42 defines a large area, that Walker is inside of, where hunting is prohibited within a quarter mile of a residence.

It doesn’t look to me like you even need to put up signs for it […]

By |October 18th, 2018|Walker Community|

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