
Welcome to Walker Community!

Located in the Bradshaw Mountains, south of Prescott, AZ, Walker Community is an old mining district, filled with history. It’s named after Joseph Walker, mountain man, explorer, and guide. He led a party to this valley to discover gold in the summer of 1863.

Today, the valley is filled with rustic cabins and elegant homes. There’s a vibrant community of people here, with an active social calendar. Some live here full-time, while others have second homes here.

Everyone loves it here. The community is great, with pancake breakfasts and other social events.

Internet is best by https://www.walkerwifi.com/. They are solid and dependable, with fast speeds and no data limits. Cell phone is best through “Call by WiFi” on your phone, through your personal router connected to Walker WiFi. Verizon does the best straight cell service, but it’s dicey. The higher you go, the better cell reception you get. TV is by satellite or streaming Internet. We have DirectTV. We are unincorporated, so the building department is through the county, not Prescott city. Water is from wells or hauled water. Wells can be private or shared by multiple parcels. There are a few companies that haul water, and a few more that drill and maintain wells. The higher the parcel, the better the view, and the farther you have to drill for water, and the more you pay for the well. Everything is on septic. Make sure you get a permit from the county, which will mandate set backs and other stuff. Trash collection is dumpsters at the fire station. You pay a yearly fee for the combination to the locks to dump your trash. http://walkertrashcollectionservice.com/ Mail delivery is at group mailboxes around the area. FedEx and UPS deliver to your door in most places out here. We personally have a PO Box in town for important stuff. That’s a personal preference. Here’s a list of people that provide services in Walker: https://www.walkercommunity.com/walker-information/ Here’s a list of all of the property for sale in Walker, houses and land, although you can filter that. https://www.walkercommunity.com/walker-real-estate-search/

Walker Webcams Provided by Walker Wifi Internet Service

Walker Community News

Snowmageddon 2019 – Day One

The snow started about 8pm last night, on Weds. Feb 20 and continued through the entire day. The whole state of Arizona was affected by the storm. There was rain in Phoenix and snow everywhere else. My wife and I bailed out and checked into a hotel in downtown Prescott, the Hassayampa Inn. I don’t have any photos of what happened in Walker, but I saw some on Instagram. I did drive around downtown Prescott on Thursday, during the storm, so here are some photos of that adventure. This is the courthouse square and the Fry’s on Miller Valley Road. […]
By |February 21st, 2019|Walker Community|

Get Ready – There’s A Snow Storm Coming

There’s a huge snow storm coming to Walker.

It looks like it will be between a foot and a half and two feet of snow.

I’ve been watching the forecasts and the amounts have been changing a bit, but it’s still going to be a lot of snow.

Get your supplies ready and hunker down, because it’s coming and you will be snowed in.

By |February 20th, 2019|Walker Community|

Road Work After The Rain

After the roads washed away from the rain, the county was on top of repairing everything that was damaged.

The were dumping truck loads of fresh dirt on the dirt part of Walker road and repairing the asphalt parts also.

I really appreciate how fast they were out here and how many trucks and equipment they used to get us back up and running.

By |February 16th, 2019|Walker Community|

Making It Rain On Valentines Day

Walker received just over an inch of rain on Valentines Day. It rained all day long, from the middle of the night before, through to the evening.

Lynx Creek was running strong, filled with all of the rain water run off, as well as the snow melt from the previous days.

There was a lot of water across Walker Road, enough to wash under the edge of it in one place, and push debris across the road in lots of other places.

Here are some photos from the next morning.

By |February 15th, 2019|Walker Community|

WFPA Board Vacancy Announcement

Do you want to get involved in our community?

The WFPA’s annual meeting this year is on Saturday, May 25th. The Board needs to fill 5 Board of Directors positions.

This is a great way to meet new people and help serve your community.

The Ideal candidate will be able to attend most of the second Saturday, 8:45-10:? BOD meetings held at the fire station. This will be a 1-2 year commitment. Please consider stepping up to help. No matter what your background is, everyone brings something to the table.

Please feel free to contact our election committee chairman Terry […]

By |February 13th, 2019|WFPA|

Mechanical Thinning Operations Continue Along Walker Road

Contractors have been busy finishing up 1,500 acres of mastication on the west side of Walker Road between Ranch 62 Trailhead and Seven Mile Gulch Trailhead. Weather permitting work will be completed next week.

They will then move their heavy equipment south on Walker Road and start work to thin approximately 400 acres in and around the Lynx Lake Recreation Area. A new release will be sent out when we have a start date with information on trail closures, road closures and day-use areas affected.

At the same time, hand thinning operations on an additional 500 acre […]

By |February 13th, 2019|Walker Community|

Time To Renew Your Trash Service

This week, Christmas had an impact on our trash collection service.

It wasn’t collected and the dumpsters are overflowing. As of right now, on Saturday morning, they still haven’t been emptied. See email below.

I’m sure they will be soon.

Update from Bill:

We’ve made a trip to the dump with the garbage that was on the ground. I’ve parked my white dump trailer across from the dumpsters. Please use the trailer if you have to leave your garbage before Best Pick shows up. I’ll try to watch and empty the trailer if it gets full.

Thanks, Bill, for taking care of […]

By |December 29th, 2018|Walker Community|

It’s Getting Cold Out There

Just a reminder that winter is upon us. The weather has gotten really cold this last week or so, and will be getting colder in the near future.

Make sure that your cabins have been winterized if you don’t live here full time.

Our neighbors came up for the weekend yesterday and found frozen pipes that plugged the water supply for the whole house. They had to run to a hardware store to buy heat tape to get the pipes unfrozen and water restored.

January is next week, so be ready.

By |December 29th, 2018|Walker Community|

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