Welcome to Walker Community!
Located in the Bradshaw Mountains, south of Prescott, AZ, Walker Community is an old mining district, filled with history. It’s named after Joseph Walker, mountain man, explorer, and guide. He led a party to this valley to discover gold in the summer of 1863.
Today, the valley is filled with rustic cabins and elegant homes. There’s a vibrant community of people here, with an active social calendar. Some live here full-time, while others have second homes here.
Everyone loves it here. The community is great, with pancake breakfasts and other social events.
Wild Life in Walker
WFPA Annual Meeting Photos
Here are some photos from the Annual Meeting today.
Click to embiggen.
WFPA Annual Meeting – Voting Results
WFPA Annual Meeting was held on Saturday, May 25th, 2019.
After giving the various reports, the voting process began.
There were 5 open positions on the Board.
4 of the positions were for 2 year full terms.
1 of the positions was to fill a position left empty by a resignation. This position would be only for the remainder of the existing term, for 1 year.
There were 6 people nominated previously, published in the newsletter and printed on the ballot.
Victoria Morhous was nominated from the floor.
The people receiving the top 4 numbers of votes and who will be serving for […]
Snow Today – WFPA Annual Meeting Saturday
Yes, that was snow we woke up to this morning.
It looks like about 2 inches to me.
More importantly, the WFPA Annual Members Meeting will be in 2 days at 9am at the Fire Station.
(At lest fire season isn’t starting early this year!)
Historic Quad Ride – June 8, 2019
WCAA says:
NOTE: Locations and potluck assignments ave been changed.
Belinda and Kurt Hoernig Residence
5100 Big Bug Mesa Road
First house on the leftTIME: 9:30am SIGN-IN TIME
10:00am DEPARTURE TIME (approximately)COST: $10 PER PERSON WCAA MEMBER (children free)
$20 PER PERSON NON-WCAA MEMBER (children $5.00)
Price includes booklet. Extra booklet, $5.00. All children under 10 freeNO DRIVERS […]
BINGO – This Saturday, May 18th
WFPA says:
Finally Bingo Begins Again This Saturday, May 18th from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm At the Walker Fire Station
For you new players the game is simple: Buy as many cards as you like, then play all night for that fee.
We hand out new cards for each game. You don’t have to keep buying cards.
This is more of a social event visiting with and meeting new neighbors and reacquaint with old neighbors . It’s also a finger food Potluck as well.
A fun afternoon, so please try to join us!
WFPA’s Pancake Breakfast – Saturday, April 27th
The WFPA’s PANCAKE BREAKFAST is back in full force this Saturday, April 27th at the Walker Fire Station 8:00 am to 10:00 am !!!! Remember what fun these Pancake Breakfasts really are!!!
Not Only Pancakes & Warm Syrup But also Bacon, Sausage, Strawberries (if Costco has them), Coffee, Tea, Chocolate Milk, Milk and Juices, Pastries, and Ice Cream (would you believe it, a big favorite!!!) But wait, there’s more!!!! Everyone gets a ticket for a chance to win a prize. Every Kid gets a Prize!!!!
There is no charge for the breakfast. It’s a free will offering […]
WFPA Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 25
The Walker Fire Protection Association will hold its Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 25, 2019 at the Fire Station 4980 Walker Road.
There are four 2-year and one 1-year Board of Directors positions to be filled. Six candidates have requested to be included on the ballot for these positions. Their bios are included in the newsletter that is in the process of being mailed.
Please plan to attend. If you will not be able to attend, please give someone your proxy so your vote can be counted.
The tradition for this meeting is to have a pot luck while the […]
Walker Community Action Alliance Winter Coat Drive
If it’s time for the first WFPA pancake breakfast of the year then it’s time to think winter coats! Yes, the Walker Community Action Alliance will be continuing the Walker Winter Coat Drive.
Take a look in your closet – and all the closets in your home – and find those coats that haven’t been worn in quite awhile. Take a look at those coats that the kids, or grandkids, have out grown. Those are the coats you need to bag up and donate.
All winter coats will be collected at all the “Sundae Saturdays”, which are […]
Lynx Fire – April 21 Final Update
Contact(s): Debbie Maneely, (928) 925-1111
The 16 acre Lynx Fire is now 100%. Today firefighters will continue to extinguish interior burning fuels and mop-up. The human caused Lynx Fire which was reported on April 19, east of the south shore boat ramp is still under investigation.
Recreation Site Information:
Lynx Lake and Hilltop Overnight Campgrounds are open to the public.
Lynx Lake North Shore Day-Use area is open the public.
Lynx Lake South Shore Day-Use area will remain closed through tomorrow morning, at which time a decision will be made to re-open.
The east side of Lynx Lake, including Lynx […]
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