
Welcome to Walker Community!

Located in the Bradshaw Mountains, south of Prescott, AZ, Walker Community is an old mining district, filled with history. It’s named after Joseph Walker, mountain man, explorer, and guide. He led a party to this valley to discover gold in the summer of 1863.

Today, the valley is filled with rustic cabins and elegant homes. There’s a vibrant community of people here, with an active social calendar. Some live here full-time, while others have second homes here.

Everyone loves it here. The community is great, with pancake breakfasts and other social events.

Internet is best by https://www.walkerwifi.com/. They are solid and dependable, with fast speeds and no data limits. Cell phone is best through “Call by WiFi” on your phone, through your personal router connected to Walker WiFi. Verizon does the best straight cell service, but it’s dicey. The higher you go, the better cell reception you get. TV is by satellite or streaming Internet. We have DirectTV. We are unincorporated, so the building department is through the county, not Prescott city. Water is from wells or hauled water. Wells can be private or shared by multiple parcels. There are a few companies that haul water, and a few more that drill and maintain wells. The higher the parcel, the better the view, and the farther you have to drill for water, and the more you pay for the well. Everything is on septic. Make sure you get a permit from the county, which will mandate set backs and other stuff. Trash collection is dumpsters at the fire station. You pay a yearly fee for the combination to the locks to dump your trash. http://walkertrashcollectionservice.com/ Mail delivery is at group mailboxes around the area. FedEx and UPS deliver to your door in most places out here. We personally have a PO Box in town for important stuff. That’s a personal preference. Here’s a list of people that provide services in Walker: https://www.walkercommunity.com/walker-information/ Here’s a list of all of the property for sale in Walker, houses and land, although you can filter that. https://www.walkercommunity.com/walker-real-estate-search/

Walker Webcams Provided by Walker Wifi Internet Service

Walker Community News

Fire Fighter Appreciation Day Wrap-Up

Johnny O says:
We had a great turn out at this years firefighter appreciation day. Thanks to the more than 200 people that showed up to honor the men and women that keep our community safe. Almost 1/2 of our roster of firefighters, (15), showed up to receive the thanks from a grateful community. Fire chief, Roger, introduced the troops and reiterated the importance of having a generous community backing the department. It was a beautiful day. We had a just few sprinkles just before the celebration began. Then clear skies…until the fire trucks were all tucked back in for the night […]
By |September 3rd, 2019|WFPA|

Shocking Video of Rain, Thunder, and Lightening on 9/1/19

After the Firefighters Appreciation dinner, we had a storm blow through Walker, taking out the power for about 20 minutes. The lightening hit at about 7:18pm and the power went out immediately. It was restored at 7:41pm.

The lightening continued for at least another hour.

First 15 seconds of the video are the lightening flash and thunder that took out the power for the whole Walker area. Turn up the volume.

The last 45 seconds are multiple clips edited together and slowed way down to show the weird formations the lightening took. I’ve never seen lightening look like this.

By |September 2nd, 2019|Walker Community|

Firefighter Appreciation day! 4-6 pm

Email from Johnny O:

HEY-HEY-HEY…… It’s firefighter appreciation day! 4-6 pm.

I hope everyone is planning to attend today’s firefighter appreciation day/pig roast.
It looks like yet another BEAUTIFUL day here in Walker, so come and enjoy with family and friends and help thank our volunteer firefighters.

I am expecting to be a little short handed on set-up and clean-up. I can use a few extra hands from 12-2 to help with decorations.
Afterwords, I know I will need help cleaning all the kitchen gadgets/pot/pans and hauling trash to the dumpsters…etc.
Many hands make this a quick, painless task. Some of the […]

By |September 1st, 2019|WFPA|

Fire Fighter Appreciation Day – This Sunday

Email from WFPA:

Hey Folks,

We are just around the corner from our annual fire fighter appreciation day/pig roast. This years date is Sunday, September 1 from 4-6pm.

Here’s a great way to thank your hard working volunteer fire fighters, past and present, while packing in a year supply of cholesterol.

The WFPA will smoke the pig, simmer some beans, offer light refreshments and a few big cakes. The rest is up to you…pot luck style.

Please bring one of grandma’s favorite recipes as a side dish. We
historically have run out of side dishes before the line runs through.

This year I would […]

By |August 26th, 2019|WFPA|

Bow Hunting Season Starts Today

Link to the hunting regulations: Click Here To Download The State Hunting Regulations

Bow season starts today and ends Sept 12. Keep aware of hunters that might be in your area.

We are in Management Area 20A. See page 39 for the bow hunting season dates.

Page 42, Note 30 says:

“In accordance with R12-4-303, it is unlawful to discharge an arrow, bolt, or hybrid
device while taking wildlife within 1/4 mile of an occupied farmhouse or other
residence, cabin, lodge or building without permission of the owner or resident.”

By |August 23rd, 2019|Walker Community|

Southwest Area Type 1 Team Transfer Command Back to Prescott NF – InciWeb

Cellar Fire Wildfire
Location: 16 miles south of Prescott, AZ on the Bradshaw Ranger District (T10N, R2W, S5)
Start Date: July 14th
Size: Approximately 7,512 acres
Percent Contained: 58%
Cause: Lightning
Vegetation: Grass, Brush, and Chaparral
Resources: 3 Engines

This will be the last news release for the Cellar fire unless there is a significant change in fire activity.

The Prescott National Forest assumed command of the Cellar Fire this morning at 6 AM. Southwest Area Type 1 Incident Management Team #1 (Alan Sinclair, Incident Commander) did a fantastic job managing the fire and produced a solid plan for local resources continuing to fight the fire. Reggie Antonio is […]

By |July 25th, 2019|Walker Community|

Cellar Fire Information – InciWeb – 58% Containment

Moisture Remains in Place Across the Fire

Cellar Fire – July 23, 2019 Evening Update

Acres: Approximately 7,512 acres Percent Containment: 58 % Start Date: July 14, 2019 Cause: Lightning Origin Location: 16 Miles South of Prescott, AZ Jurisdiction: Prescott National Forest Fuels: Upper elevation: Ponderosa pine. Lower elevation: Brush, Grass and Chaparral Resources: 314 personnel including 1 Hot Shot Crews, 3 Type 2 IA Crews, 2 Type 2 Crews, and 7 Engines The Cellar Fire poses minimal threat to structures or other local infrastructure and will continue to be monitored by air. Aerial patrol flights observed minimal smoke coming from the […]

By |July 23rd, 2019|Walker Community|

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