
Welcome to Walker Community!

Located in the Bradshaw Mountains, south of Prescott, AZ, Walker Community is an old mining district, filled with history. It’s named after Joseph Walker, mountain man, explorer, and guide. He led a party to this valley to discover gold in the summer of 1863.

Today, the valley is filled with rustic cabins and elegant homes. There’s a vibrant community of people here, with an active social calendar. Some live here full-time, while others have second homes here.

Everyone loves it here. The community is great, with pancake breakfasts and other social events.

Internet is best by https://www.walkerwifi.com/. They are solid and dependable, with fast speeds and no data limits. Cell phone is best through “Call by WiFi” on your phone, through your personal router connected to Walker WiFi. Verizon does the best straight cell service, but it’s dicey. The higher you go, the better cell reception you get. TV is by satellite or streaming Internet. We have DirectTV. We are unincorporated, so the building department is through the county, not Prescott city. Water is from wells or hauled water. Wells can be private or shared by multiple parcels. There are a few companies that haul water, and a few more that drill and maintain wells. The higher the parcel, the better the view, and the farther you have to drill for water, and the more you pay for the well. Everything is on septic. Make sure you get a permit from the county, which will mandate set backs and other stuff. Trash collection is dumpsters at the fire station. You pay a yearly fee for the combination to the locks to dump your trash. http://walkertrashcollectionservice.com/ Mail delivery is at group mailboxes around the area. FedEx and UPS deliver to your door in most places out here. We personally have a PO Box in town for important stuff. That’s a personal preference. Here’s a list of people that provide services in Walker: https://www.walkercommunity.com/walker-information/ Here’s a list of all of the property for sale in Walker, houses and land, although you can filter that. https://www.walkercommunity.com/walker-real-estate-search/

Walker Webcams Provided by Walker Wifi Internet Service

Walker Community News

Forest Service Takes Steps to Reduce Wildfire Caused by Recreational Shooting in Arid Areas

Contact(s): Debbie Maneely: 928-777-2212 Prescott, AZ – May 5, 2020 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service, Southwestern Region is enacting a recreational shooting restriction for the Coronado, Prescott and Tonto National Forests to reduce wildfires and to protect the health and safety of employees and communities. Beginning May 6, 2020 at 5:00 pm and until July 31, 2020 or until rescinded, recreational shooting is prohibited in the Coronado, Prescott, and Tonto National Forests due to current conditions. These forests are experiencing an increase in drying trends of extreme grass fuel loads resulting from above average winter moisture. When you factor […]
By |May 7th, 2020|Walker Community|

Upcoming Fire Ban

From our Walker Fire Chief

The Forest Service is banning campfires for land under its jurisdiction as of tomorrow at 5pm.

The WFPA is asking that you not have any campfires or warming fires or do any other sort of burning on your property until after the fire season ends which typically happens with the monsoon rains in July. We understand these fires are a tradition and it will be a sacrifice for some.

This is simply a request. We have no ban on private property in Walker until Yavapai County tells us we do and again, that has not happened yet.

The […]

By |April 21st, 2020|Walker Fire Department|

Forest Service Takes Steps to Reduce Human Caused Wildfire during Global Pandemic

No campfires in the National Forest!

Albuquerque, NM, April 21, 2020 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service, Southwestern Region is enacting a campfire ban to protect the health and safety of employees and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Beginning April 22, igniting, building, maintaining, attending or using a fire will be prohibited on all six national forests in Arizona until June 30, 2020, or until rescinded.

Forest Service officials are taking the necessary steps to ensure first responders are available to safely respond and manage incidents. This campfire restriction will prevent the drawdown of fire and medical resources to unwanted […]

By |April 21st, 2020|Walker Community|

2021 Walker Calendar – WCAA

We get email:

Community Members:

We hope this email finds you and your family safe and healthy. No doubt, we yearn some normalcy in our lives and look forward to summer in the mountains.

One projection is that half of us will come out of quarantine amazing cooks. It’s a given that many of us have used recipes recently we hadn’t accessed in a while. Now would be a good time to share those recipes as we perfect our culinary skills.

The 2021 calendar is in process, we need the community input. The theme this year is recipes and […]

By |April 12th, 2020|WCAA|

WFPA Annual Meeting Postponed. Walker Day Cancelled.

The WFPA board voted to postpone the meeting and all social functions until everything gets back to normal.

This is the official announcement.

The WFPA Board of Directors voted this morning (April 11, 2020) to postpone the Annual Meeting and to suspend all social functions at the Walker Fire Station.

The Board of Directors has been discussing this action for several weeks based on the CDC and other advisories on health and safety regarding the Corona Virus.

All of us are aware these are unprecedented times and the ripple affects us all. The disruption has been and will be painful, but the community […]

By |April 11th, 2020|WFPA|

A Foot of Snow And A Power Outage

After getting a foot of snow in Walker, the power went out in a couple places.

I heard there was a power pole down, but I can’t confirm.

Last update is that power will be restored by 11:00pm this evening.

I’ll sit here being grateful for our “whole house” electric generator.

For current APS outage status: APS Outage Map

Pink Car Snow Pink Car Snow

By |March 19th, 2020|Walker Community|

WFPA Spring 2020 Newsletter – Ads and Photos Wanted

Hey! Look! That’s my email, sent out by the WFPA.

If you want to send me photos, there’s a “File Upload” form at the bottom of this page.

I appreciate your help. The WFPA appreciates your support too!

On behalf of WFPA and our Newsletter chairperson we are sending out this email with regards to requests for pictures and ads for the upcoming newsletter.

We are gathering information to publish in the Spring 2020 issue of the WFPA newsletter.

Photos –

We’re looking for any photos that you might have with Walker related subjects.

Great subjects are events, weather, scenery, wildlife, or anything […]

By |March 18th, 2020|Walker Community|

Coronavirus Update from Walker Fire

Official word from Walker Fire:

We are now several weeks into this event but we want the community to know that Walker Fire is still open for business to respond to emergencies. If you need the fire department, it is crucial that you inform the 911 operator if you have any flu like symptoms. We will still come but we have masks that should protect us from catching any sort of illness.

By now we all know to wash our hands regularly, avoid touching our faces and practice social distancing. We would also add that getting a little bit of exercise and […]

By |March 17th, 2020|Walker Fire Department|

Annual WFPA Meeting and COVID-19

I attended the WFPA board meeting this morning. I’m the newsletter editor and there’s another issue of it coming soon.

Among the things discussed was the concern about COVID-19 and the gathering for the Annual Meeting over Memorial Day weekend.

Because it’s a couple months away, they couldn’t make definite plans yet, but there are aware of the issue and will do everything they can to mitigate any risk to the community.

Suggestions included moving the date back, voting on line or in email, or potentially something else.

They will monitor the situation and the threat, then make the best decision possible […]

By |March 14th, 2020|WFPA|

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