
Welcome to Walker Community!

Located in the Bradshaw Mountains, south of Prescott, AZ, Walker Community is an old mining district, filled with history. It’s named after Joseph Walker, mountain man, explorer, and guide. He led a party to this valley to discover gold in the summer of 1863.

Today, the valley is filled with rustic cabins and elegant homes. There’s a vibrant community of people here, with an active social calendar. Some live here full-time, while others have second homes here.

Everyone loves it here. The community is great, with pancake breakfasts and other social events.

Internet is best by https://www.walkerwifi.com/. They are solid and dependable, with fast speeds and no data limits. Cell phone is best through “Call by WiFi” on your phone, through your personal router connected to Walker WiFi. Verizon does the best straight cell service, but it’s dicey. The higher you go, the better cell reception you get. TV is by satellite or streaming Internet. We have DirectTV. We are unincorporated, so the building department is through the county, not Prescott city. Water is from wells or hauled water. Wells can be private or shared by multiple parcels. There are a few companies that haul water, and a few more that drill and maintain wells. The higher the parcel, the better the view, and the farther you have to drill for water, and the more you pay for the well. Everything is on septic. Make sure you get a permit from the county, which will mandate set backs and other stuff. Trash collection is dumpsters at the fire station. You pay a yearly fee for the combination to the locks to dump your trash. http://walkertrashcollectionservice.com/ Mail delivery is at group mailboxes around the area. FedEx and UPS deliver to your door in most places out here. We personally have a PO Box in town for important stuff. That’s a personal preference. Here’s a list of people that provide services in Walker: https://www.walkercommunity.com/walker-information/ Here’s a list of all of the property for sale in Walker, houses and land, although you can filter that. https://www.walkercommunity.com/walker-real-estate-search/

Walker Webcams Provided by Walker Wifi Internet Service

Walker Community News

Fire Restrictions to be Implemented Friday, August 14th on the Prescott NF Due to Lack of Rain

National Forest Service is bringing back the fire restrictions.
PRESCOTT, AZ, August 12, 2020 – Due to lack of monsoon precipitation and key criteria being met for restrictions, the Prescott National Forest will enter Stage I Fire Restrictions on Friday, August 14th at 8 a.m. The goal of the fire restrictions is to protect public health by reducing the number of preventable human-caused wildfires. Restrictions will remain in effect until forest officials determine that conditions have changed sufficiently to reduce the risk of human-caused wildfire.

Click to access fseprd779638.pdf

Forest Order 03-09-00-20-268 and Map (2.48 MB PDF) Stage I fire restrictions prohibit the following: […]
By |August 12th, 2020|Walker Community|

WFPA face masks

Got an email from WFPA. They have face masks now!

OK, it’s been about 5 months since we all were introduced to the Coronavirus. We were all hoping it would be long gone by now, but it’s not. Arizona is still considered a “hotspot”. Wearing masks is a part of our “normal” when going out in public, so why not do it in style?

On August 20th, I will be receiving a limited supply of embroidered “Walker WFPA” face masks. They are 3 layer cotton, adjustable, and machine washable. They come in black or silver/gray. […]

By |August 10th, 2020|Walker Community|

County Wide Fire Ban

Walker Fire says:

Yavapai County has reinstated the fire ban as of 10 am today. As was the case previously, about the only activity permitted under the ban is cooking with propane. Walker Fire will try to put the fire ban signs back up but that will be on a best efforts basis, dependent on firefighters’ availability.

From the press release;
Yavapai County Board of Supervisors Chairman Craig L. Brown has re-instituted the County Wide Fire Ban effective at 10:00am on Monday, August 10, 2020. The County Wide Fire Ban has been re-instituted after the Yavapai County Emergency Management Officer, Ron […]

By |August 10th, 2020|Walker Fire Department|

Inadequate Monsoon Moisture Causes Prescott NF to Reinstate Stage I Fire Restrictions

I was wondering about the lack of monsoons this year.

We’ll go back under restrictions without more rain.

Decision will be made on Monday.

PRESCOTT, AZ, August 7, 2020 – With minimal monsoon moisture received this year, Fire Managers on the Prescott NF plan to implement Stage I Fire Restrictions. Campfire, smoking, and shooting restrictions will likely go into effect on the Prescott National Forest next week; August 12-14. Fire Managers have determined that key criteria will be reached or near enough to warrant taking these restrictive actions. These include lack of moisture this time of […]

By |August 8th, 2020|Walker Community|

Shooting and Fire Restrictions to be Lifted Saturday, August 1 on the Prescott National Forest

I guess we’ve had some rain, but I wouldn’t call it a monsoon.

I keep waiting for the flooding to begin.

Be careful with camp fires and shooting out there!

REMINDER – The Prescott NF implemented restrictions on “Target Types” effective July 24, 2020. Read the Target Restriction Order and News Release at: Forest Order #03-09-00-20-266.

PRESCOTT, AZ, July 28, 2020– Due to precipitation received and the potential for continued monsoon activity across the forest, the Prescott National Forest will lift all fire and recreational shooting restrictions on Saturday, August 1st at 8:00 […]

By |August 1st, 2020|Walker Community|

Prohibition on using refuse for target practice goes into effect July 24, 2020

No trash for targets starting today!

No shooting at all until next week.

Contact(s): Debbie Maneely: 928-777-2212

Prescott, AZ, July 23, 2020 – Attention target shooters! The Prescott National Forest will implement restrictions on target types effective July 24, 2020, in an effort to reduce the amount of refuse and trash being left on the Forest from target shooting. Forest Order #03-09-00-20-266

Only the following types of approved targets will be allowed during target shooting on the Prescott National Forest:

• Cardboard, and/or cardboard targets with reusable frames (excluding wooden pallets), which are removed from the site after shooting
• Paper and/or paper targets with […]

By |July 24th, 2020|Walker Community|

WFPA Annual Meeting Is Sunday, September 6, 2020

The WFPA will hold its Annual Meeting Sunday, September 6, 2020 from 9:00-11:00 a.m.

There are four (4) Board of Directors seats to be elected. The four incumbent Board Members whose terms are expiring are all running to be reelected. There was an announcement to this affect in the run up for the traditional Annual Meeting held over the Memorial Day Weekend.

There was a call for anyone interested in running for the Board to submit a notice to the Board of Directors. There was none.

We are asking again if there is anyone interested in running for the Board […]

By |July 15th, 2020|WFPA|

Walker Fire Protection Association Merchandise

Summer is finally here. Isn’t it wonderful that most of us are in Walker enjoying our cabins?

Our Walker merchandise sales have been one way to support the WFPA. We have missed the opportunity to get together at Pancake Breakfasts, Bingo, Walker Days, etc. The good news is our merchandise is still available! (All proceeds go directly to the WFPA). It’s a Win-Win!

If you would like to see some of the merchandise we offer such as apparel, mugs, baseball hats, and even personalized bricks that will be displayed at the entrance of the Firestation, just click on this link: […]

By |July 14th, 2020|WFPA|

WCAA 2021 Walker Community Calendar­ For Sale

(Because we’re so over the current year)
13 Month Calendar
12 Recipes
13 Area Pictures
Bonus Cooking Tips
Projected Event Dates

Celebrating 10 years as a Firewise community.

Contact Mona Feige to set up pick-up or delivery. rmfeige@msn.com or 602-527-8683
Order by mail through www.walkercaa.org (postage fee required)
Payment by Pay Pal or upon delivery
Cost $15.00/copy.
Exciting surprise bonus for orders of five copies or more.

By |June 20th, 2020|WCAA|

Prescott National Forest Enters Stage II Fire Restrictions on Wednesday, June 3rd

You should know that the Forest Shrive released this information.

We are under fire restrictions now.

PRESCOTT, AZ, May 29, 2020 – Due to increasing fire danger the Prescott National Forest will implement Stage II fire restrictions effective Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 8 a.m. These additional fire restrictions will remain in effect until forest officials determine that conditions have changed sufficiently to reduce the risk of human-caused wildfire.

Stage II fire restrictions prohibit the following:

Igniting, building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire, or stove fire.
Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or […]

By |June 2nd, 2020|Walker Community|

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