About Conrad Walton

I’m Conrad Walton, a full time resident of Walker. We've lived through being snowed in and power outages. We have no other home. I'm a licensed real estate professional working for RealtyONEGroup, Mountain Desert, here in Prescott. My goal is to give back to the community by providing a common web site to support everyone’s efforts in the Walker area. Because I’ve been a web developer for over 20 years, building web sites is easy for me. I want to help in any way I can. This site is not owned by the WFPA or the WCAA or any other organization. I host it, manage it, and I am completely responsible for it.

Walker Day Update – Can You Help?

Johnny needs some help on Walker Day.

Hey folks,

Walker Day is looking great. I believe we have secured a spot in the Prescott Courier news paper. That, coupled with nice weather, means a BIG turnout.

It will be “all hands on deck”. I will need extra hands to direct parking, flip/turn burgers/dogs, shuttle people to and […]

By |2019-06-12T10:58:33-07:00June 12th, 2019|0 Comments

Fire Restrictions?

Roger says:

Please note that fire restrictions are being considered for implementation as soon as June 14th. Very generally, anything that involves flame (campfires, smoking etc) or sparks (welding etc) outside would be prohibited even on private property if restrictions are implemented.

We will have more details if/when we go into restrictions.

Thank you,

Roger Nusbaum
WFPA […]

By |2019-06-11T22:36:12-07:00June 11th, 2019|0 Comments
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