A little advice if you have a steep driveway, (and who doesn’t in Walker?)
Walker Fire was called to a structure fire on Friday morning. The process of fighting a structure fire typically involves knocking down the flame with water then looking for hot spots/heat inside walls or the ceiling.
That second step is done by using a thermal imaging camera and exposing the inside of the wall or ceiling.
One challenge we had with this fire that is very common to Walker is that the house was up a long, steep, narrow driveway with no spot to turn around.
A few months ago we posted a couple of things to do if you ever have a structure fire while we are on our way. Provided you can do so safely, make sure everyone is out, turn off the electricity and propane…only if you can do so safely.
Something else that we realize would be very difficult but could be a difference maker is to let 911 know that you have a challenging driveway if that applies to you. This allows us to start planning how to position vehicles more effectively for maintaining water flow and firefighter safety.
Thank you,
Roger Nusbaum
Fire Chief
Walker Fire
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