This year’s Chip & Haul is scheduled to begin March 15, 2019 and will end on May 17, 2019.

As usual, we ask participants to follow some simple rules.
1. Do not bring stumps or root balls! They often contain rocks and/or dirt and most often are too large to process.
2. Bring only natural forest vegetation – no lumber or other construction materials such as: wire, metal, posts, etc. (No trash, garbage, refrigerators, TV’s or sofas!) Unauthorized materials add to the cost of disposal.
3. Empty all bags of leaf litter and needles onto the slash pile and do not leave plastic bags. Avoid raking up rocks.
4. Keep the slash pile as compact as possible. Deposit onto the pile whenever practicable. Otherwise dump as close as possible.
5. Always keep pathways to the dumpsters open.
6. Report your hours, expenses (need receipts), distances traveled (round trip). Get reporting forms at the table set up at the site.
7. ALWAYS PROTECT YOURSELF! Wear protective clothing, eye protection, gloves and proper footwear.

Chip & Haul this spring is made possible by a grant from Yavapai County and from donations collected through various community events by Walker Community Action Alliance.

Thanks goes to Walker Fire for the use of the dumpster/parking area.